Molecular Set Medium

Rs 8,000.00

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This deluxe extra-large molecular model set is perfect for a group of chemistry students working together. Understand how chemical bonds work!


Visualizing chemical bonds is easy and fun, and inexpensive, with this extra-large, deluxe molecular model set; it is perfect for a group of students working together.

It contains 104 “atoms” and 85 “bonds” to make large organic and inorganic molecules or to make multiple models simultaneously. Most “atoms” in this set are represented by 23mm-diameter plastic balls with hydrogen represented by 17mm-diameter balls. The bonds are linking pieces that hold the molecule together securely and can easily demonstrate double and triple bonds. All pieces are made from unbreakable polypropylene, ideal for your chemistry studies.

Instructions with pictures of sample molecules are included. This molecular model set comes in a large, durable ABS plastic storage case to keep everything together.



This deluxe extra-large molecular model set is perfect for a group of chemistry students working together. Understand how chemical bonds work!

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