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F70060 Refractor Telescope
Rs 22,500.00
Model 70060 Type Mount Refractor Telescope
Aperture 60mm(2.4″)
Focal Length 700mm.f/11.6
Focal Ratio 11.7
Finderscope 5×24
Eyepiece 4mm H12mm H20mm Magnification 525X
Barlow 3x Focuser 1.25″ Rack & Pinion Focuser Prism / Mirror 1.25″ Mirror Diagonal
Erecting eye piece 1.5 erector
Tripod Aluminum tripod included
Weight 4kg Dimensions 125cm
Refractor 70060
Aperture: 60mm (2.4”)
Focal Length: 700mm.f/11.6,
Finderscope: 5×24
Diagonal Prisms: 90°
Most Height: 125cm
Accessory Tray
Mount: AZ Mount
Standar: 0.965” Acceddoness Include
Eyepiece: SR4mm H12.5mm H20mm
3X Barlow Lens, 1.5X Erector
Metal Tripod With Show Motion Control Rod
For Easy Vertial Micro Adjustment
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